Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Importance of the English Language Essays
The Importance of the English Language Essays The Importance of the English Language Essay The Importance of the English Language Essay Brazer Bozlak 03113623 2011-07-20 LA 202 – OL8 The importance of the English language The English language is finally accepted as the universal language of the world and stands today as the common means of communication among members of different countries, cultures and communities. Moreover, English is also the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicines, engineering, tourism etc. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world and it has become the key instrument of globalization. The English language is the common global language and it is very clear in many cultures that English has become more dominant around the world, a dominance that is growing for each passing day. As a result, English is widely taught around the world as a second language today, the amount of native English speakers might not be large when compared to Spanish or Chinese, but it is the common communication language spoken around the world and almost every single university in the world are conducting scientific studies trough English medium. Although, there is a lot of people around the world today that won’t admit how important English for the world I’m one of those many that understands the importance of the English language. Most people in the world agrees with what Alexander v. Sandoval claims in his essay â€Å"The importance of English†on www. eagleforum. com , â€Å"English is becoming the worlds language of the 21st century †he says and gets supported â€Å"Most of the worlds population, about 70% speak English or know him. And more than 80% of all stored information in the world is written in English or translated into it. Foreign language skills, and in particular the English are a good tool in work, school, on vacation, when building a career or promote your own business. The man who speaks fluent in English, will not get lost anywhere in the world where there are people. †(billionmindsfoundation). There are facts about English which would encourage people to learn English, †There are more people in China learning English than speaking it in North America over 200 million. English is the official language of a third of the worlds population and a working language for half the worlds population. Of the worlds four most numerous languages, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic and English, the latter owes its position uniquely to its use as a second language. A part of this pattern is the increasing reach of English in continental Europe where 91% of all secondary schools teach English and 65% of young continental Europeans claim to speak English reasonably well. †(English, The working language of the global village) English used to be a relatively unimportant language around 450 AD, when a set of Germanic tribes (mostly the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) moved from their homelands in what is now northern Germany to what is now England. Old English was widely spoken on the island in the centuries that followed, lost status when the French-speaking Normans conquered England, and slowly regained status in the late Middle English period. At this point, still, English was just one of many languages. It was generally less respected than Latin or french among scientists and theologians, for example. It was not until the period of Early Modern English, a period also known as the Age of Discovery that English really began to gain status. The new country England began to establish colonies around the world and exported its language and governing systems so that it could import what it wanted, e. g. spices and rare woods and also for a while, slaves. The Early Modern English period witnessed the first time that English was spoken around the world, but still it was not nearly as widely spoken as it is today. Englands and Americas triumph in the World War 2 tok the globalization of English one step further and the languages importance for the world has grown for each passing day since then. Being the second language choice for non English speaking people today all around the world is a evidence of how important it is for people to learn English. It is the language people speaks when they don’t know the language of the country they are in and even countries such Frenca and Germany have given up. Alexander v. Sandoval says in his essay â€Å"The importance of English†published on Eagleforum. com â€Å"In multilingual continental Europe, a fierce battle over language popularity appers to be ending with English as the standard for the 21st century. and â€Å"The Germans have given up trying to persuade more Brits to learn their language and, instead, are now promoting English as the language of the 21st century, with lessons for children as young as six. Germanys leading newspaper produces an eight-page English edition and declares that English is going to be the lingua franca of the next century. †. Even though it does not and will probably never hav e an official status, English is the accepted universal language on the Internet. English is typically the language of the latest-version applications and programs. Even though progresses has been made in language translation online it is very difficult if not almost impossible to properly translate each and every webpage or program into a specific language. Even manuals, installation guides and products sheets of electronic and entertainment devices are usually first available in English. With this information in mind along with that Internet is becoming very important in our daily life’s, in commerce and also in education makes the English language bounded to grow. Thus the importance of the English language is underlined. English is today the standard language for businesses and industry, knowing English can be the key that unlocks enormous amounts of job opportunities. Many companies aim to become as successful as possible in their industry, which leads them to start working internationally and this makes the employers require superb English communication skills of the employees in order to deal with suppliers or contacts all across the world. Knowing English is not a guarantee to have a well paying position in the future but it is definitely a really good help on the way. The growth of English has been huge since the World War 2 and it might not take long time before English will be a single language of the world like the single currency and the union of various nations. It is, after all, spoken by more than 300 million natives speakers, between 600 and 800 million foreign speakers. It is the common language of air transportation and shipping, science, technology, computers, and commerce, and a major language in education and publishing. For these reasons, good English communication skills is important in order get on board on the 21st centuries train. : v. Sandoval, Alexander. The importance of our English Language Eagleforum. 1 May 2001. Web 20 July 2011. ( eagleforum. org/psr/2001/may01/psrmay01. shtml) General. English: Universal Language Billion Minds Foundation. 12 July 2001. Web 20 July 2011. ( billionmindsfoundation. org/english-universal-language/) Watson, Alan. English: The working language of the global village? Lord Alan Watson. 2010. Web 20 July 2011. ( lordalanwatson. com/english2. htm)
Saturday, November 23, 2019
American States With the Highest Teenage Abortion Rates
American States With the Highest Teenage Abortion Rates In a nation where abortion remains legal despite ongoing legal and legislative debate, which states have the highest rates of teenage abortion? A 2010 report by the Guttmacher Institute compiled teenage pregnancy and abortion statistics in the United States. These state by state statistics show a dramatic decrease in some states while others moved up a little on the list. However, as a whole, the U.S. teenage pregnancy and abortion rates have declined dramatically in recent years. 10 States With the Highest Teen Abortion Rates The available 2010 data for abortions among women aged 15 to 19 is ranked by state. The rate reflects the number of abortions per thousand women in this age range.  Rank State Abortion Rate 1 New York 32 2 Delaware 28 3 New Jersey 24 4 Hawaii 23 5 Maryland 22 6 Connecticut 20 7 Nevada 20 8 California 19 9 Florida 19 10 Alaska 17 More Teen Pregnancy Statistics and Analysis Overall, of the 614,410 teenage pregnancies reported in the U.S. during 2010, 157,450 ended in abortion and 89,280 in miscarriage. From 1988 to 2010, the abortion rate for teens dropped in every state with many seeing a 50 percent reduction or more. In 2010, 23 states reported an abortion rate in the single digits. Its also important to note that the majority of pregnancies and abortions involve 18- and 19-year-old women. The District of Columbia is the only place in the report with more abortions reported in the 15 to 17 range than in the older group. Yet, D.C. does not count in state rankings. The states with the lowest abortion rates in 2010 were South Dakota, Kansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Utah, Arkansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Texas. Each reported that fewer than 15 percent of teen pregnancies ended in abortion. However, that does not account for state residents who sought an abortion in neighboring states. Only three of the states above rank in the top ten states with the highest teenage pregnancy rates of young women age 15 to 19. They are Nevada (ranked seventh with 68 pregnancies per thousand); Delaware (ranked eighth with 67 pregnancies per thousand); Hawaii (ranked tenth with 65 pregnancies per thousand). The highest pregnancy rate in 2010 was in New Mexico, where 80 in every thousand teens became pregnant. This state ranks fourteenth in the abortion rate. Mississippi had the highest teenage birthrate, with 55 girls for every thousand. The Dramatic Decrease in Teenage Abortions According to this same report, in 2010, the teenage pregnancy rate dropped to a 30 year low (57.4 per thousand). It peaked in 1990 at 51 percent or 116.9 girls for every thousand. This is a significant decrease that has not gone unnoticed. In a 2014 report also by the Guttmacher Institute, a 32 percent decrease was found in teenage abortions between 2008 and 2014. This follows the 40 percent decline in teenage pregnancies over this same period. There are many influences that are cited as causing this change. One is the fact that fewer teenagers are having sex in general. Among those teens that do have sex, there is an increased use in some form of contraception. The increase in sex education, as well as cultural influences, the media, and even the economy, are considered to have played a role as well. Source U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics National and State Trends and Trends by Race and Ethnicity. 2010. Guttmacher Institute.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
IBM as the heartbeat of e-business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IBM as the heartbeat of e-business - Essay Example Next, listen to responses to the ideas presented. The vision may change to include some of the thinking from the employees and other corporations. In the sequence follows reshaping the vision by including the specific details that will give a responsive day-to-day meaning to the organization. That includes elaborating the steps on how to achieve the vision. It states clearly how the changes will transpire. It will push the people to be part of the technology that would revolutionize the world. The leaders are communicating the vision need to be courageous to communicate what is unjust and wrong. That is sometimes very difficult, but the people will definitely see the truth in what you are saying. On open standards, IBM faced the challenge of using the internet as a proprietary sole technology and thus to gain an advantage over the other competitors they opted to use it to respond to needs of their clients thus giving them an advantage ( IBM also sought to advocate for services that could run on a neutral platform. That faces the challenge of more investment that is more costly and may need extra labor to leverage the technology. Further, the cost of carrying out the research may be expensive especially the infrastructure. As a result, the expected cost may not be as lower as expected. Investing in the Global market has the challenge of diversity in client’s needs, approach, and mode of delivery. That requires IBM to invest in diverse human resource and delivery of content in various forms to suit diverse needs.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The thoughts of King Corn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The thoughts of King Corn - Essay Example The argument is supported by other biologist in the movie. These biologists cover the several issues that have been highlighted in the movie. Actually, the major challenge of obesity in the American population is control of overconsumption of beef and corn products. This challenge can be addressed effectively by researching on the impact of genetically modified corn on the health of humans and animals especially cattle (Cheney and Ellis). Overconsumption of corn in the movie and the inclusion of corn in the diet of both animals and humans are illustrated effectively using the resultant health effects of the action. Genetically modified foods are an issue of great concern for the society today due to the increasing obesity and animal deaths. The movie captures the problem effectively through the agricultural journey of the two friends. In addition, the inclusion of the different perspectives of the interviewed biologist illustrates the impact of corn agriculture in America. Consequently, the increase in obesity among the American population has been linked with the excessive consumption of corn by humans and cattle. Both the direct and indirect overconsumption of the corn is considered the main threat to positive and good
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ap English Language Composition Free
Ap English Language Composition Free Response Questions Essay Would the process be worthwhile? It would. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, â€Å"†¦ we can solve climate change, invest in a clean energy future, and save billions in imported oil†(Samuelson). Many argue that the United States government cannot afford to become involved in energy initiatives and anti-global warming legislation; to counter, what other alternatives does the nation have? With the typical â€Å"family spend[ing] about $1,900 per year on home utility bills,†energy is costing this nation a fortune (â€Å"Energy Savers†). â€Å"With 2. people ii the average household,†family spending would drop from $1,900 per year to $91. 25 per year (Samuelson). To say our government cannot afford this concept is an inaccurate, false, misguided statement. However, would America’s efforts alone be enough? After all, this is a global issue. The Energy Information Administration states â€Å"the United States, China, Russia, Japan, and India †¦ account for fifty-four percent of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (graph). In contrast, recent polls express that Americans are not the only ones interested in energy conservation (graph). The â€Å"Gallup Polls conducted in 2007 show that†America, Japan, China, Russia, and India have all attempted to reduce negative environmental impacts by the following: â€Å"using less water in [the] household†, avoiding â€Å"using certain products that harm the environment†, â€Å"voluntarily recycle[ing] newspapers, glass, aluminum, motor oil, [etc. ]†, and some have even involved themselves â€Å"in a group or organization that works to protect the environment†(graph). While Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and Russians attempt to save money by reducing energy usage, Singapore offers citizens monetary tax cuts on energy efficient cars Webber). Not only does Singapore offer tax cuts to those who keep the environment clean, they also financially punish those who pollute the environment with â€Å"gas-guzzling engines†(Webber). Innovation and inspirationâ€â€the combination that makes America unbeatable (Friedman). By drafting energy conservation and anti-global warming legislation, the American government will allow the planet to prosper. Better for the planet, better for the people, better for youâ€â€the American government needs to take an active role in promoting a â€Å"green revolution†.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Metaphor Title of Sense and Sensibility Essay -- Jane Austen
In this novel Jane Austen uses the title of the book itself as a metaphor to illustrate the differences between the two main characters, with Elinor to represent the sense and Marianne to represent the sensibility. Sense and sensibility also indicates a split division, polar opposites, and how these opposites compliment each other, as can be seen throughout the novel. The dominant theme in this novel is sense prevailing over sensibility. It is a theme which can be seen in most of the characters; however the concentration is on Elinor and Marianne, who are two sisters and are often perceived as polar opposites. Marianne tends to be viewed as the `sensibility' and Elinor as the `sense'. Jane Austen opens the novel with the girls' father, (Mr John Dashwood) who is dying, and stressing to his son that although Mrs Dashwood and the girls are stepfamily he wants to be assured that they will be looked after. In this era it was not expected that a women should be left any inheritance, this was generally left to the man in the family. Women obtained there social class and money through marriage. It is once the fathers dies that we begin to get an understanding of the sense and sensibility. Marianne is a young girl of seventeen, and as is expected of this age she is naà ¯ve, spontaneous, and full of romantic idealism. However Marianne tends to take everything to the extreme and dramatises the slightest thing. She personifies sensibility and becomes emotionally disturbed by the events that take place in her life. It can be seen in the novel that she takes this from her mother, Mrs Dashwood, who is represented in the novel in much the same way as Marianne. She is sensitive, emotional, melodramatic, and imaginative and as Marianne she is... something that develops with age and experience. There is no getting away from the fact that Marianne is sensibility and Elinor sense, and it is fairly simple to see this through Marianne's melodramatic and childish nature and Elinor's constant attention to others thoughts and feelings before her own. However on the other hand Marianne is still only a child who is under the heavy influence of a melodramatic mother. Elinor however is slightly older and one would think had an influence form someone of a more sensible disposition, (her father maybe) and therefore exerts a great deal of sense and etiquette throughout. Marianne tends to favour most of her mothers `sensibility' side and is often encouraged by her mother. Therefore in conclusion yes in many ways it is simple to say that Marianne possesses sensibility and Elinor sense, throughout the novel.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Iris By the Goo Goi dolls
And I'd give up forever to touch you ‘Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life When sooner or later it's over I Just don't want miss you tonight And I don't want the world to see me ‘Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything made to be broken I Just want you to know who I am And you can't fight the tears that mint coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the moviesIris was written by the and John Organize. John Organize was approached to write a song for the movie City of Angels soundtrack, and so he wrote â€Å"Iris†. This song propelled the band to stardom, as it stayed on top of Billboard Hot 100 Airplay charts for a record-breaking 18 weeks, and was nominated for three Grammas that year.According to several Interviews with Rezoned, he was experiencing serious sessions o f writer's block when he was asked to write , and was about to quit the band Just days before he wrote the song that would launch the band to worldwide fame-The song was released on April 7, 1998. Consider the song to be a part of the genre pop rock. It is slow in the verses but speeds up in the chorus. It has strong guitar and drum sounds which give it the rock feel.I think he wrote it from the perspective of an angel in love p in which the angel is completely gaga over the woman and feeling things he's never felt before but at the same time wanting to keep it private because he's afraid that if it becomes of the material world then it will lose it's purity. It's a love song about the conflict between what your heart is urging you to do and what your head is telling you is the mart thing to do. I watched the Go Go dolls on VHF talking about this song and what it meant.They said they watched the film ‘City of Angels†and that the song is about an angel who falls for a mo rtal woman. Which is why it says â€Å"I'd give up forever to touch you†, â€Å"you're the closest to heaven that I've ever been†â€Å"and to bleed Just to know you're alive†. He wants to be with her and gives up an eternity in heaven Just to spend a moment with a woman he fell in love with.Like the song because it helps me through through hard times sometimes Just slightly easing the pain and Just let me ponder about things. I do have a particular connection to it because it explains some of my feelings like â€Å"you bleed Just to know you're alive†and â€Å"when everything meant to be broken†sometimes people go through hardships in life, sometimes very small and stupid things that change your perspective in the way you see and experience things. It makes me feel sad moieties.It makes me feel like I'm not the only person that is going through hard times. I actually mostly listen to the cover of this song that is played and sung by Sleeping Wit h Sirens. Keeling (the guy who is from Sleeping With Sirens that sings it) has a very sweet voice that kind of lulls you to sleep when you listen to him. It makes me think of things going on in my life and how it relates to the lyrics. I would choose to listen to this song when I'm feeling down. Like I said before makes me think like I'm not the only person in the world who is going through hardships.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Michelangelo was a man of many trades who, throughout his life, created, painted, and designed artistic masterpieces. He was a marvel of his time.. â€Å"He was celebrated as the greatest artist ever because of his great work in the areas of sculpting, painting, drafter, architecture, and poetry†. A genius with his ingenuity and thought process in the way he came up with the ideas that have now become modern masterpieces and wonders to us. Hard work and education to his true passion led to his success and fame in cities all around. He is a man who truly lived life to the fullest.He worked every day of his life and finally rested on his deathbed. Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475 (Summers 483). His full name is Michelangelo did Ladylove Bonaparte Simmons (â€Å"Michelangelo'). He was born in a small village of Cappers in Valerie (Arizona 4). His father was Leonardo did Burrito Simons (â€Å"Michelangelo'). His mother's name was Francesca did Amanita De Sera (Arizona 4). He had four other brothers (â€Å"Michelangelo'). Due to his mother's illness he was placed with a family of stone cutters. She died giving birth to the fifth child in 1481 (Arizona 4).It might have been his grammar school friend, Francesco, six years his senior, who introduced Michelangelo to the painter Director Giordano (â€Å"Michelangelo'). His father agreed to apprentice him at age thirteen. There he was exposed to the technique of fresco. Before his apprenticeship had completed, he stopped painting and took on sculptures (Summers 483). At the recommendation of Giordano, he moved into the palace of a great paint named, Florentine ruler Lorenz â€Å"the Magnificent†De Medici was influenced by Napoleonic thought.This was a fertile time for Michelangelo. His time with the Medici family was 1489 to 1492 (â€Å"Michelangelo'). After the Medici family lost power he began to travel. During his younger years he began to study anatomy (Summers 483). He studied under sculptor Bordello did Giovanni. He obtained permission from the church to study cadavers. These combined influences led to his distinctive style: muscular precision and reality combined with an almost lyrical beauty (â€Å"Michelangelo'). His earliest surviving sculpture is a small unfinished relief of a battle, done when he was sixteen.It shows the obvious influence of ancient Roman marble sculpture belonging to Lorenz Summers 483). He lived in Rome from 1496 to 1501. As a student in Rome he was called â€Å"Universal Genius†(â€Å"Michelangelo'). His drawing career lasted over seventy years, and he was able to change his style to fit the period of time (Michelangelo'). Michelangelo was able to do as many as three projects at a time. He was a great sculpture early in life, and then he learned how to draw and paint. Like most artists of his time he painted religious scenes.He was a Catholic and most of his drawings and painting resemble his beliefs in his artwork (â€Å"Michelang elo'). His first marked success was a life size statue of the Roman wine god Bacchus held in Rome. At age twenty-three, he carved a version of the traditional Pieta (â€Å"Michelangelo'). From 1508 through 1 512, Michelangelo time was occupied by The Sistine Chapel Ceiling. Michelangelo largest and most famous paint was that on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (Castle, pig. L). The Pope died in 1513, and then Michelangelo signed a contract with Julius to build a tomb, but it had to be finished within seven years.However, Michelangelo attention was not on the tomb exclusively. After Leo Ax's election Michelangelo was hired to refurbish the facade on the Papal Chapel in Castle Gentleman's, Rome. Between 1514 and 1521 he signed several contracts to sculpture and paint art. Another contract was signed with Julius to build a smaller Julian Monument, and it was drawn up in 1516. Many people think that Sultan's Tomb was not Michelangelo best work, but this only the media's idea about his work. Michelangelo was also a great painter. He produced a few easel paintings.His ambition was truly seen in his paintings (â€Å"Michelangelo'). Michelangelo was painting sutures early in the 16th century. During that time he was making some cartoons, but very few were published. â€Å"One of his cartoons, Battle of Casino, was highly influential, but the cartoon somehow disappeared†. The Sistine Ceiling is one of Michelangelo greatest paintings. It is probably his most well known piece of art. The Pope asked Michelangelo to redo the ceiling because the Pope thought that the gold background with blue stars were not powerful enough to be in the Sistine Chapel.Michelangelo had many drawings to pick from, but he decided to go with the helve Apostles design. Some of Michelangelo late work was also really good, such as The Last Judgment. Gigolo Dad Fabian didn't like Michelangelo, so he tried to destroy his reputation by saying that Michelangelo painting was no good, but accor ding to most, it was one of Michelangelo greatest paintings. He also painted the â€Å"Last Judgment†over the altar in the chapel. The â€Å"Last Judgment†took 6 years for him to finish, from 1535 and 1541 Michelangelo was also able to draw with the best of them.Most people use their drawing ability to get an education, but Michelangelo used raring as a way to express his feelings. Many of Michelangelo drawings became collector items during the sass's; many people didn't accept the drawings. Michelangelo gave his drawings as gifts during special holidays. During the 20th century many people started to accept his drawings. Michelangelo was also an architect. One great piece he did was for the Medici Family. It was a miniature model for Leo Ax's Chapel at Castle Sandstone's, Rome. It looked like Julius tomb, but it didn't have that much sculpturing work. The miniature model for Leo Ax's Chapel at Castle Sandstone's, Rome took him a long time to complete, because there were so many details which need to be perfectly placed†. Michelangelo was able to do so many things at once which influenced many people, and those people didn't realize how great Michelangelo art was until his death. Many people think Michelangelo was sent by God to paint, draw, and sculpture. Michelangelo became a very powerful person during his lifetime. He was great friends with most of the kings and queens in most of the countries (â€Å"Michelangelo').Michelangelo didn't leave any teaching notes or any of his followers. Michelangelo is one of the most talented artists ever, and he was one of the creators of the Roman High Renaissance with Leonardo dad Vinci. Michelangelo drawings, paintings, sculpturing, and architecture work is still very popular in today's society. Michelangelo will still be the most influential artist leading into the 21st century. Michelangelo was also a magnificent architect. In 1560, he designed a dome to cover a massive opening, on the Sistine Ch apel. They began to construct the dome that he had designed in 1560 (The Panorama, IPPP).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Panopticon essays
Panopticon essays Knowledge and power hand in hand, but whose hand is it? Regardless from where a person comes from, one is always under constant surveillance by someone in society, which in return affects everyone's individual actions and reactions. Foucault's Panopticism proves that our ideals we have gained from society do manipulate how we act and behave without realizing it. Our society's social factors and the knowledge we possess as a society can control one's action if one comprehends how power can control other individual's actions. Foucault's Panopticism created a prison that could achieve 100% observation by one overseer in a circular building to gain the knowledge of the prisoners and give the feeling of inferiority and powerlessness. Foucault believed "all that is needed, then, is to place a supervisor in a central tower and shut up in each cell a madman...they are so many cages, so many small theaters, in which each actor is alone, perfectly individualized and constantly visible" (319). The subject is never sure when and if they are being observed at all, leaving their ideals to self regulate and unconsciously become their own guardians. This surveillance objectifies the subjects in the cells, categorizes them and creates new social norms resulting from fear of being caught acting out of line. Foucault used the plague as a good example of how in everyday life the Panopticon's principles of power could come into effect if the norms of society were taken away and one power monitored your every action. He believed that the Panopticon and the plague were two of the same and yet different. One was an evil natural disaster while the other broke people down artificially for the sole purpose to gain power. Nevertheless, both resulted in a knowledge that controlled society and subjects that conformed to the government's new power almost instantly. The Panopticon was not only used as a form of punishment but also served as "a laborato...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
JUNG Surname Meaning and Origin
JUNG Surname Meaning and Origin The Jung surname means young, and was often used to distinguish the younger of two men with the same name, such as a son from a father or the younger of two cousins. It derives from the German word jung, from the Middle High German junc, meaning young. YOUNG is the English variant of the surname, while JAROS is found in Poland. According to Dictionary of American Family Names, Jung can also be a variant of the Chinese name Rong, or Korean name Chong. It is a common surname in both countries. Surname Origin: German, Chinese, Korean Alternate Surname Spellings: JUNK, YUNG, YONG, YOUNG, YOUNGE, JAROS Where in the World is the JUNG Surname Found? The Jung surname is most common in Germany, according to WorldNames PublicProfiler, especially in the states of Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz, followed by Hessen and Thà ¼ringen. Other top regions for Jung include Alsace, France, and Grevenmacher, Luxembourg. Surname distribution maps at Forebears identify Jung as the 5th most common surname in South Korea, the 35th most common surname in North Korea, and the 39th most common surname in Germany. It is also the 10th most common last name in Thailand. Famous People with the Last Name JUNG Carl C.G. Jung - Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychologyChan Sung Jung - Korean MMA fighterRudolf Jung - instrumental force of Austrian National Socialism; member of the Nazi partyJohann Heinrich Jung - German author who wrote under the name Heinrich Stilling Genealogy Resources for the Surname JUNG How to Trace Your German AncestryLearn how to trace your German roots back to the old country and beyond, from gathering information on your family to locating your ancestors German hometown to accessing vital records, passenger records and church records in Germany. German Genealogy Databases and Online RecordsResearch your German family tree online in this collection of online German genealogy databases and records. Jung Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Jung surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Jung query. FamilySearch - JUNG GenealogyExplore over 9 million historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Jung surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website, hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Jung Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Jung last name from the website of Genealogy Today. References: Surname Meanings OriginsCottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Health and Safety Executive Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Health and Safety Executive - Assignment Example The passers-by who use the main road are also in danger. The cattle and sheep may be potentially exposed to serious peril if the chamber suddenly explodes. (c.) Evaluation of Risks: Due to the impending peril of a potential explosion of the chamber brought about by the cracks, it is best that immediate remedy shall be effected swiftly. The toxic pollutants found in the sewer system can cause a critical threat to public health. In the event that it explodes, the water system shall be affected which can harm the community that uses the sewer system. (d.) Implementation: A simple solution to fix the cracks by applying a sealant to the cracked edges is just a temporary relief. There is a need to upgrade the sewer system management plan. In order to prevent sewer overflows, it suggested that some guideline should be followed: 5. Verify the wastewater collection system has adequate capacity to convey sewage during peak flows". Details on how to achieve a sewer system management plan can be found on this website (e.) Review of Assessment : The grave problem must be acted upon immediately. There is no need to wait for the operation to take place in June. The sewer system issue must be resolved in the soonest possible time as many people shall be exposed to the danger of spreading diseases and toxic pollutants in the water system which can be caused by a broken subterranean chamber of the sewer system. (a.) Hazards: The maintenance and upkeep of growing trees, grasses and hedgerows along highway and in the vicinity of a junior school in the suburbs of a small town has become a refuge of drug traders living in the area. The possible menace that the drug dealers can cause to the innocent children, the people who reside in the community, and the motorists who traverse the highway, should be prevented. (b.) Who may be harmed: The safety and well-being of the students attending the junior school and the entire school community are in jeopardy for they may encounter misfortune with the members of the drug syndicate. Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strategic Analysis of the Continental Airlines Case Study
Strategic Analysis of the Continental Airlines - Case Study Example This also means strengthening the airline's alliances and enhancing efficiency through the elimination of non-value adding processes in the value chain. Fund the future, on the other hand, encompasses the company's quest in ensuring its future growth by the reduction of interest expense, improving fleet plan, and developing hub real estate (Continental Airlines Company Profile 2008). The third component of the Go Forward Plan emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction in CAL's success. Thus, in intends to position itself as a top player in terms of four DOT measurements namely, "on-time arrivals, baggage handling, complaints, and involuntary denied boardings" (Continental Airlines Company Profile 2008). This also means continue to project a responsible company image and improving its core product. Lastly, working together looks at CAL's relationship with its employees. Recognizing the importance of its staff in the realization of its strategic goals, the company's management spearheads in creating a fun environment to work, offer fair remuneration, and treat staff with dignity and respect. CAL is organized according to the different functional areas in the business organization. ... All of these business units are led by senior vice presidents who oversee operations and provide the much needed guidance and leadership. Recognizing the international operation of the CAL, it also opted to divide its operation according to geographic location. Thus, it also assigned vice presidents who take charge in the Newark, Houston, Cleveland, Asia Pacific, and Europe hubs. In order to facilitate efficiency in decision making, the headquarter assigns a certain level of autonomy to the leaders in these regions yet CAL can still be referred to as a highly centralized business organization noting the dependence of its satellite offices to the main office (Continental Airlines Company Profile 2008). Organizational Culture With the Go Forward Plan as its blueprint for success, CAL communicates its culture of excellence through its commitment in taking care of its financial health, future growth, employee relations, and customer satisfaction. These are the core values that the company utilizes in order to become successful in its operation. In addition, CAL also highlights its culture of environmentalism, community service, and diversity. The company promotes its corporate social responsibility through programs which enhances sustainable development through its carbon offset program, use of electric powered rather than fossil fueled ground equipment, and designing more environmental friendly infrastructure to support its operation. Though it limits its donation on in kind basis, CAL is seen to contribute to the community service. Lastly, the company honors diversity noting that individual differences in workforce should be honored. Management Style and Philosophy The management style and philosophy applied by
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