Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Love Relationships - 2589 Words
Abstract: In every relationship, there are two halves. One you can control, yours and the other is controlled by the other half in the relationship. This paper will emphasis on what it takes to have a true relationship with someone, rather if it is a friend or lover all the components need to be in place just like the solar system with the planets aligned. If your planets are not aligned in a relationship, it is doomed to fail. This paper will discuss the methods that are valuable to have a long lasting relationship if properly put into place. Egocentricity, have power over and fear will break almost any relationship. Kindness, independence and love will create the most beautiful relationship: an enduring romance.†¦show more content†¦Today, unfortunately friendship would not go to that level, we have close friendships but in society today not many would give up the throne for friendship. Marriage â€Å"I do†two of the life time commitment words many couples challenge. â€Å"I do†, is commitment towards your partner for the rest of your life till death do you part, in richer or poorer, in sickness and health. In today’s society marriage is very overrated, if you have a problem you go file for divorce instead of working on the issues. It’s OK to ask for help, although it is very hard for some people to ask for help. There are many good benefits for a good marriage: 1. Married people live longer; single men have mortality rates 250% higher than married men; single women have mortality rates 50% than married women. 2. Approximately 40 percent of married people have sex twice a week compared to 20 to 25 percent of a single or cohabitating men or women. 3. Married persons are more likely to report feeling hopeful, happy, and good about them. 4. Married couples have higher incomes than single men and women. 5. Married men are more successful at work, getting promoted more often and receiving reviews than single counterparts. (Maniatis, Weil, Bondy, 2006) There are some benefits of being married, marriage is complicated. You have to find the right â€Å"life partner†that has the same intellect, values, morals, and dreams and want to succeed together. You have to beShow MoreRelatedLove : Love And Relationships Essay1213 Words  | 5 PagesLove and relationships Love is a significant aspect in people’s lives that requires commitment and attention. Despite the many assumptions on love, it is important to understand that happiness in love comes from sharing not only the good but also the bad. In order to have a successful relationship, there is need to understand that love requires sacrifices as well as endeavoring to cultivate love for mutual benefit. If true love existed in the world, there would be no need for divorce. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan - 1058 Words
In the article Mother Tongue, Amy Tan reveals the struggles of being the daughter of a Chinese American, and how language barriers proved to be a constant struggle. Throughout her article, she touches upon the disrespect her mother got because of her underdeveloped English, and how it affected her life as she grew up. Tan describes how she had to pose as her mother over the telephone to make sure her mother got the service she deserved. She empathizes with her mother and how her mothers intelligence was hidden behind her broken English. Throughout her article, she discloses her mothers secret intelligence and how her experiences made her a better writer and person. This explains how knowledge is power because it builds endlessly†¦show more content†¦And wrote pages upon pages showing the differences. He said in his most recent experiment, â€Å"that social intelligence is distinct from the kind of intelligence measured by conventional intelligence tests.†(Thorndike, 184). When you have a solid practical intelligence background, you have the knowledge to deal with your surroundings. This form of knowledge is extremely powerful because it can only be learned and acquired through experience. The idea of practical intelligence and family guidance is also supported by Amy Tan in her article, Mother Tongue. In the ending parts of her powerful article, she states, But I do think that the language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are more insular, plays a large role in shaping the language of the child. (Tan, 14). In this excerpt from Tans article, the strength of a language is shown and highlighted in a beautiful and subtle way. The deeper your culture is, the more experiences you gain, and the more you take from your parents. Legacy is the key ingredient to experience and success. Here are two completely different writers, both portraying their beliefs in a similar and familiar way. Each one coming back to the idea that ex perience is powerful, and the power behind experience comes from your familys legacy and how they choose to live their lives. All these examples circle back to knowledge, and power. Because, an experience is gained from the wisdom of your family, which is knowledge,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan913 Words  | 4 Pages Analysis of Mother Tongue by Amy Tan In the narrative essay, â€Å"Mother Tongue†by Amy Tan, the author sets out the story between her mother, whose English is her second language, and Tan herself can speak native English very well. The essay covers the tonal shift of Amy Tan s psychological change, from grudge to understanding. Although she begins the essay saying, I am not a scholar of English or literature. I cannot give you much more than personal opinions on theRead MoreAnalysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan1048 Words  | 5 PagesTwo Worlds - One Story In â€Å"Mother Tongue,†Amy Tan reflects on her childhood to describe how her mother contributed to her understanding of language. Tan encounters numerous situations when she feels like she is judged based on how her mother spoke â€Å"broken†English. Nevertheless, she overcame her teachers’ opinion that she should focus on math and sciences and became a writer. I have a similar experience because I have lived in a different country for a long time, and I speak a different languageRead MoreAnalysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan869 Words  | 4 Pagescommunicate. In the article, â€Å"Mother Tongue,†by Amy Tan, discusses a time, where she had to deal with learning three types of â€Å"Englishes†from her mother which includes simple, broken and watered-down English. 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Amy Tan ends her essay, â€Å"Mother Tongue†with this short and even grammatically wrong sentence. She tells us this mother’s brief review is a proof of success of her writing. Why does she think that easiness is an essence of her writing? She suggests answers to this question by her essay. In her essay, Amy Tan effectively convinces her readers that â€Å"broken English†is not an inferior language, but justRead MoreCritical Analysis of Mother Tongue Essay907 Words  | 4 PagesNicholas Wiest Beverly Williamson English 111 September 21st, 2012 Critical Analysis Essay I have chosen â€Å"Mother Tongue†for the subject of my essay. I chose this essay because Amy Tan has a unique writing style which has tone that is clear and identifiable. Tan makes her arguments in a way that is easily understood. While her tone is sometimes humorous and captivating, it still clarifies some serious issues. 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English.The difference between this class and the others were that the teacher focused on all aspects of English.From different types of literature, different types of writing, analysis, to presenting and interpreting different ideas.She focused mostly on literature and analysis, but she focus on writing and presenting ideas enough so the class could understand each concept.Even though she graded papers very strictly based on grammar, she always explained her reasoning, andRead MoreSylabus for Rhetoric3362 Words  | 14 Pagesaddresses audiences. By paying attention to the strategies that good writers and speakers use to persuade their particular audiences, you will learn to reason better and to persuade others in your own writing, both through rhetorical appeals and through analysis of audience, purpose, and exigency that is at the heart of the study of rhetor ic. For RHET 1302, you will read and reread texts and write multi-draft essays. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Logistics and Supply Chain Management Samples for Students.
Question: Discuss about the Logistics and Supply Chain Management ? Answer: Introduction The concept of logistics and supply chain management was coined by Walmart executives who, advocated for a collaborative forecasting, replenishment through giving details links for communicating a point of scale, predictions, and sharing inventory information via its known website of suppliers. The supply chain process of retail business can refer to the complete process of distributing items or products from few suppliers as well as manufacturers. Hence making the chain management more critical than as expected, which is a priority of any chain of retail (Jasti NVK, 2015). Specifics problems facing the Woolworth business can be categorized into horizontal and vertical directions as far as specific and general issues are concerned. The retailer company has several problems which include: a) Problems of identifying supply chain integration and strategic partnering. b) Different motivation and setting the strategy/distribution strategy. c) Information sharing/ IT and decision support systems. d) Vendor managed inventory. e) Outsourcing and procurement policies. Background Woolworths company is one of the biggest organizations with an approximate brand value of AUD$4700 million. The company is also among the largest thirty retailers globally. The business has however faced with various challenges due to the dynamism of rapid technology, parallel, and brand competition, and convergence of other retailers company. The momentum modeling in supply chain management has also contributed to the downside for the welfare of Woolworths business. The firm owns prominent groceries in the world though stiff competition from other substitutes companies has risen. Woolworths developed the mechanism to deal with supply chain process that ensured all partners are distributed their produce in time. The operation was attached to high-cost business operations that kept on hiking (Gunasekaran A, 2010). The retailer sector has some issues that encounter firms such as Woolworths that include expansions of individual labels, global entrants. Besides, the political, geographic al as well as ecological problems are part and parcel that affect sales and profit growth of the business. Woolworths, as a retailer firm operating in Australia, has demonstrated a focused steps and boosted by the strength of the countrys currency and the slowing of the economic development leading to a sharp focus on the reduction of a chain of supply. The company advantage though, has gone through many challenges, were it not for that the government that undertaken action plans such as integrating partners or suppliers, decreasing resources at the interface and the operational cost of doing business. The problems have affected the intent of enhancing logistics and distributing the Woolworths management obligations back to the partners as well as another area of focus (Vonderembse MA, 2012). Impacts of current inefficiencies that exist in Woolworths Problem of identifying supply chain collaboration partners The nature of integration and commitment to supplying chain cooperation of Woolworths has not enabled to collaborate with every partner. Nevertheless, the company has not allowed connecting all supply chain stakeholders in an in-depth manner. Thus creating challenges of the supply chain by determining which partner or suppliers to drive integration partnership. The company has not developed the solution to identify the level of value each and every supplier to the company as well as to the customers (Beth S, 2013). The level of value will, therefore, develop and enhance the company to pursue a collaborative partnership. Similarly, the Woolworths has not identified the general route to determine supplier value by calculating the total amount spent by the distributors. Furthermore, the business has not figured the ways in which it can become vulnerable if the vendors failed or disengaged. Woolworths has not been able to identify best practice of selecting suppliers (who will enable the business to target and reach to key customers), engaging them in creating a strong collaborative mutual partnership. Equally, the business has unable to solve any critical issues which could enable it to move to the next target of reaching to the client (Borade AB, 2013). The company has not yet to realize the benefits of collaborating supply chain members which can yield to embedment of daily practice and the need of less attention, hence focusing on building new collaborative partnerships. The problems of motivation and setting the strategy of the business The Woolworths has challenges on the motivation of the enhancing members to work as a system to compliment the supply chain process. The business has unable to pinpoint the collaborative standards that touch their corporate approach and also on the complexities of their surrounding environment, more accurate on the demand and supply features. Woolworths reality weak demand and supply uncertainties have not set strategies to aim high level of distributing their products to a great quantity to enhance and maximize the efficiencies (Holweg M, 2011). Another issue under this includes the firm not designed to achieve improvement as far as new factors escalating the higher level of uncertainties are concerned. The companys supply chain has remained inflexible and slowly adapting the changes in the market. The company correctly has not underlined the primary motivator to drive the supply chain that will enhance cooperation and hence increase the business operation efficiencies. The business primary goal is to distribute products affordable to their customers by lowering prices. Hence, Woolworths lose focus to underline the activities towards this approach leading the companys pressure increases in supply chains as retailers are competing to provide and deliver cheapest possible goods and services to the customers (Caniels M, 2015). Information technology and decision support systems Woolworths Companys SCM is much concerned with the flow and use of information among the supply partners. The company has not been able to acquire the recent technology development to enable the firm to reach and distribute information quickly to their members. The lack of sufficient IT in companys supply chain roles has crippled the company engaging in the chain the of supply management initiatives. The company has a lack of sharing the joint belief that all other partners will require to have effective collaborative effort. The company has failed to change the power from manufacturers to retailers since this has evident in the company as a critical issue (Samaddar S, 2010). The company, as retailer supermarket, has not demonstrated how information sharing should be used for mutual benefit. Equally, the company has failed to give sound information technologies, which can assure the companys share the sale information from the central management to the many retailers and other major distributors (Zhang X, 2011). Issue of inventory control Woolworths Company does not to a great percent involves the dealers in managing and taking responsibility for the retailers inventory. The essence of retailer inventory is to ensure efficiency in delivering the customer responsiveness, supporting and speeding up the supply chain process as well as curbing with limited product life cycles. Woolworths has lost many benefits that accrued in this process such as suppliers or distributors assumes responsiveness to make sure there is sufficient stock at the retailers warehouse (Mentrzer, 2010). Therefore, the vendors will not provide preference to their retailers in the case of shortages. Similarly, the retailers will miss to get the information in real-time on specific products sales, as well as lacking the detailed information needed to produce more products to replenish retail warehouses. Another issue in inventory management is that large wholesalers may fail to give stocks to single item stake as well as sharing information with other s as far as supply chain system is concerned. By not sharing information, the Woolworths do not plan for the demand and manage inventory in their respective warehouses. Instead, the company has ignored to apply most traditional retailer controlled inventory like UCCnet global registry. Both retailers and the Woolworths are not able to use the registry hence fails to synchronize product information that would help them to coordinate on replenishment of inventory (Maseeha S, 2009). Outsourcing and procurement strategies The primary issue to focus in Woolworths is what to supply and manufacture internally as well as what to purchase from external sources to complement the supply chain process. Woolworths has a primary challenge on how to make the decisions when identifying risks associated with particular decisions and reducing them. Woolworths also encounter issue to consider the effect of the internet on procurement approaches and what ways to use when dealing with suppliers and partners. The company, therefore, need to decide on whether to outsource or purchase, various optimization models may be used to set of scales of risk and payoffs. If the company fails to make appropriate decisions on outsourcing, the company may not utilize the adequate information tech elements like internet portal and procurement software (Wong, 2009). Alternatives Technology Woolworths has applied new technology to improve and as a useful tool and to enable collaboration within the supply chain system. For instance, the sharing of information, and vendor managed inventory and replenishment have optimized via new technology. The new tech significantly enhances operations effectiveness and flexibility which minimizes the waste and in return add value in overall chain of supply process. Woolworths have started to leverage the process technology to develop their operation. Woolworths consistently use the technology to boost the value to their products. The firm has implemented the Business-to- Business systems to support the partners to do business electronically. The company has the web which they share any information needed to facilitate the application of the technology. The primary goal of enhancing tech is to improve the collaborative business network, increase procurement effectiveness, and enhance service level and the entire chain of supply process (Nguyen HM, 2014) Woolworths have enhanced the procurement efficiencies. The effectiveness of acquisition has enabled by bringing the StockSmart as well as AuitoStockR systems. The two systems have allowed the firm to predict stock replacement at supply centers and warehouse. Similarly, the dual systems have contributed to the improvement of cooperation within the company which yielded in a constant increase in overall profit. Moreover, the sharing of information has made a significant contribution to the improvement of visibility in the overall supply chain as well as minimizes the bullwhip upshot . Building typical customer relationship value approac Woolworths have understood the clients value and complied the supply chain to reflect their needs. The company focuses on the needs of consumers via addressing various levels of a product, whereby the company supply not only accurately product but also augment product like rewards program and better client service. On their part, Woolworths have introduced the daily rewards program with the aim of better understanding their behavior of the customers. The program enhances the return of consumers and encourages loyalty. The company has successfully cooperated customers into their chain of supply network with the introduction of Woolworths Everyday Rewards which help the customers with fuel savings or Qantas Frequent Flyer points. Through this program, the company understand better the consumer behavior and leverage this understanding to gain operational effectiveness. Proposed Solutions Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ERP solution has gain competencies among other used mechanism used to solve the Companies problems. ERP has increasingly known kind of software that organizes and interconnects most day in day out the operation of business. The integration of the system enhances the successful collaboration among supplier partners. Nonetheless, the system has challenges to implement technology to the chain supply because of workers refusal to buy the idea of new tech. The company has to mobilize all stakeholders to integrate ERP systems in their operation for a long term benefit. The company should provide in-depth training and development plans (Australian Government Productivity Commission, 2011). Network configuration and flow optimization Woolworths should adapt new techniques in business competition. The techniques should range from competing as SC and other SC from groups of companies. The SC to SC competition vertically cooperates company against substitute companies. Another network confirmation is on competing on supply network capacities which majorly compete on effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of the system as well as network design utilized. The company should add and integrated the network functions (Leng, 2009). Developing collaborative planning activities Woolworths should consider the significant role played by improving the collaborative planning activities. The strategy is equally imperative since it improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall supply chain. The need for proper integration among the supply partners should translate into the process as well as roles coordination within these company and along the whole supply chain. The approach helps to identify benefits of bleaching the gaps of information which form collaborative planning leading to inventory reduction for every supply chain partner (HL, 2012). Recommendations a) Woolworths should introduce new products in the market and enhance or upgrade the existing products to outdo their competitors. b) The company should take notice of improving the current new tech or introducing new ones to improve supply chain processes. c) The company should have a new selection of suppliers as well distributors partners who will guarantee them an efficient sharing of information and decision support system. d) Woolworths should propose the changes in demand and supply patterns for products manufactured to match the needs and specifications of the customers. e) Finally, the Woolworths Company should enhance the commitments within or among partners supply chain process Tools used to improve the Woolworths Statistical process control tool. (SPC) Statistical process manages a device is a tool designed for coping with operations. Woolworths enterprise desires to apply SPC technique for lowering the variety in offerings, distributions, gadget, strategies, and attitudes, which are the purpose of most high-quality issues. The approach will allow unveiling the whether or not a process is on top of things or out manage, and this is whether solid and displaying simplest or random version.' Also, the agency can also practice the tool to observe the tactics that are in control, using way and scales which constitute statistics, for example, income extent, clients objection, in a chain order displaying how disparities occur with time (Nahmias, 2014). Brainstorming tool Woolworths business enterprise might also as well use the tool, which requires a big institution of thinkers who has in a completely shortest time and can make use of in a ramification of situations. The crew may additionally incorporate wild ideas and not use a complaint or assessment occurs at this stage expected. Each member has equal chances to put forward an idea touching the troubles being considered. The tool may carry changes because it identifies troubled areas, determine regions for improvement, predicts possible solutions to problems, and help to broaden actions plans(Schmenner, 2015). References Beth S, B. D. C. W. G. C. L. H. L. R. . M. S., 2013. Supply Chain Challenges; building relationships. Havard Business review, 1(1), pp. 1-24. Borade AB, B. S., 2013. Domain of Supply Chain Management. Journal of Technology management and innovation, 2(4), pp. 109-121. Caniels M, G. C., 2015. Purchasing Strategies 1 the Kraljic Matrix. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 11(3), pp. 141-155. Commission, A. G. P., 2011. Economic Structure and Performance of the Australian Retail Industry, Sydney: Productivity Commision Issues Paper. Gunasekaran A, L. K. E. C. T., 2010. Responsive Supply Chain Management; A competitive approach in a networked economy. Omega, 26(13), pp. 1051-1068. HL, L., 2012. Aligning Supply Chain Strategies with Product Uncertainities. California Management Review, 2(3), pp. 342-354. Holweg M, D. S. H. J. . S. J., 2011. Supply Chain Collabaration; Mkaing Sense of the Strategy continuum. European Management, 23(2), pp. 170-181. Jasti NVK, R. K., 2015. A critcal review of Lean Supply chain Management frameworks. Prod Plan control, 36(4), pp. 549-564. Leng, M. . P. M., 2009. Lead-time Reduction in aTwo-Level Supply Chain. International Journal Production Economics, 118(35), pp. 521-544. Maseeha S, P. I. P. D., 2009. Australia's Leading Retailer Woolworths' Retial Operation, Sydney: IBS Center for management Research. Mentrzer, J., 2010. Supply Chain Management. 1st ed. Califonia: Sage Publications Inc.. Nahmias, P. B. A. . A. J. V., 2014. Production and Operations Analysis. Stratwegy and Business, 15(4), pp. 52-61. Nguyen HM, . H. N., 2014. Electronic Supply Chain Orienattion and Its Competitive Dimensions. production and Planning and Control, 15(6), pp. 596-607. Samaddar S, N. S. D. M., 2010. Inter-organization Information Sharing; The role of Supply Network configuration and Partner goal Conference. European journal of operational resaerch, 174(56), pp. 744-756. Schmenner, M. L. S., 2015. On Theory in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management, 3(5), pp. 97-113. Vonderembse MA, U. M. H. S. D. J., 2012. Designing Supply Chains; towards Theory development. International Journal Production of Economy, 100(2), pp. 223-238. Wong, O. E. ., 2009. Supply Chain Performance Evaluation: trends and challenges. American journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 2(1), pp. 202-211. Zhang X, C. J. H. Y. . H. T., 2011. Building a Dynamic Data Driven supply chain Management System. Information Technology Journal, 10(3), pp. 703-709.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Scott Rothstein - Money Laundering Synopsis free essay sample
Through the use of his law firm he fabricated court orders, forging the signatures of federal court udges, that showed that his clients had been awarded large sums of money in lawsuits in an effort to promote his credibility and pocket book. Clients were told that defendants had transferred funds to off shore accounts such as the Cayman Islands. In order for Rothstein to recover the money, his clients had to post bonds worth millions of dollars with his firm. The offshore accounts were owned by Rothstein. Rothstein would used the acquired funds to live a lavish lifestyle (cash exchange for negotiable goods). The exchanges included such items as a 1967 Corvette onvertible. a Ferrari F-40, a Ferrari F430 Spider, a Mercedes SLR McLaren, a Bugatti Veyron, and a 2010 Lamborghini. A fraudulent transaction follows certain trends. We will look at the methodology now. Incentive In this situation, Mr. Rothstein was living a lavish lifestyle. We will write a custom essay sample on Scott Rothstein Money Laundering Synopsis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For him to afford such materialistic possessions he had to become innovative with acquiring more funds. Opportunity Circumstances exist in Mr. Rothsteins case, he was a senior partner within his law firm. His reputation had been his strongest attribute. During his laundering time, Mr. Rothstein would offer exceptional gracious bonuses to him associates. Since he was a senior partner, many took this as Mr. Rothstein sharing the firms success with the entire team. Instead of viewing it as bribe money. Those that were eventually involved in the scheme, knowingly accepted the rewards in exchange for assisting and not commenting on the fraud. Mr. Rothstein shared the attitude, character, and ethical values that allowed him to knowingly and intentionally commit these dishonest acts against his clients. Due to his necessity of living a life of luxury. It most cases, a situation like this would be unavoidable, unless the perpetrator decided to tone down his lifestyle. Rationalization/Attitude Mr. Rothsteins attitude was that of greed. It would have been easy for him to rationalize any conclusion. However, there were really only 3 outcomes: He did not commit the fraud and stay an honest lawyer. He committed the fraud and reaped the rewards of doing so. He should have cut back on his life of luxury before it became an issue. In Rothsteins case, the incentive or pressure to live in the big deals was so enticing hat he was able to rationalize the act of committing fraud. Capability Those involved are able to rationalize committing a fraudulent act. Some individuals possess an attitude, character, or set of ethical values that allow them to knowingly and intentionally commit a dishonest act. OVERVIEW: In reviewing this information, my first order would be to examine where the funds are coming from. For this I would investigate the settlement info. I would verify the validity of each settlement, followed by matching the settlement to the depositing account. I would also verify the timing of deposits, the amounts deposited and that the client received payments. As well, I would confirm and match settlement income to their respective non taxable settlement accounts on the financial statements through verifying all invoices. I would conduct a horizontal analysis of the settlement amortization. If Rothstein was creating fraudulent settlements and selling them at discounted rates, there would be an immense increase in cash as well as a substantial increase in the amortization of settlements. The paper trail would give warranted reasons for suspicion. The con revolved around the law firm settling numerous lawsuits and that the plaintiffs wanted to expedite the receiving of their funds. Rothstein would sell their settlements at a lump-sum discount so they could receive their funds up front to another individual/flrm. In return, Rothstein promised investors substantial returns on the full value of the fraudulent settlement. Alongside a financial review, I would inquire into Rothsteins personal communication with staff and external colleagues. Obtaining computer, email and telephone information would give me the greatest ccess to his communication. I would also contact all of his registered clients and confirm their information with the information Rothstein has provided. Three Step Money Laundering Process Placement Phase: Illegal puts money in. Creates fake settlements to interest purchasers out the to buy out the settlements at a discounted rate. Layering Phase: Move money around. Once he created the settlement, he would receive cash payments for them at a discounted rate. In another ploy, in order for Rothstein to recover the money, his clients nad to post bonds worth millions ot ollars with his firm. Integration: Rothstein would move the funds in several ways so that it would offer the illusion of being legitimate sources of income. In several cases, he would pay his own substantial salary with fraudulently acquired funds, offer up houses, and cars as bonuses to his employees or simply keep the cash and not record the transaction due to its illegal nature. Scott Rothstein Synopsis The 50-year prison sentence imposed on Scott Rothstein in July of this year for running a IJS$I . 2 billion Ponzi scheme from his Florida law firm, money laundering nd stealing client trust funds, is the latest in a series of high-profile money laundering cases involving lawyers in the U. S. , Canada and Europe that have raised renewed questions about the role of lawyers and the effectiveness of anti-money laundering laws. Rothstein is now in Jail but what U. S. District Judge James Cohn called the †tsunami] left in his wake is far from over Rothsteins 70 lawyer firm is bankrupt and 35 of its former lawyers are being investigated, the TD Bank, N. A. is being sued by an investor for allegedly facilitating Rothsteins laundering activities, former associates and mployees of the firm are being asked to repay lavish bonuses and gifts (that sometimes included houses and cars) from their boss by the firms receiver, and the firms COO Debra Villegas was recently received a 10-year term in prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to launder money at the firm. After months without arrests, the Scott Rothstein investigation regained steam Friday when federal prosecutors charged two Broward County attorneys with participating in the convicted lawyers $1. 2 billion Ponzi scheme. After Rothstein, 51, was arrested in late 2009, everyone began wondering who else was in on it. So far, 14 others †including his wife, Kimberly Rothstein, among the last crop of suspects to be arrested a year ago †have pleaded guilty to charges related to his scheme of selling fabricated legal settlements to wealthy investors. Collectively, hundreds of investors from Florida, New York and Texas lost more than $360 million between 2007 and 2009, but they have recovered much of that money through civil and bankruptcy actions, including damage settlements with the Rothstein law firms former bank, Toronto Dominion. It revolved around the ruse that his law firm had settled numerous sexual arassment, discrimination and whistle-blower lawsuits and that the plaintiffs wanted to sell their purported settlements at a lump-sum discount so they could receive their funds up front. In return, Rothstein promised investors substantial returns on the full value of the bogus settlements. When major investors in Rothsteins settlements complained about his failure to pay them in April 2009, he †falsely informed] them that he was under investigation by the Florida Bar and that their investment trust accounts at TD Bank had been †frozen,] the Kitterman indictment said. To dodge them, Rothstein asked Kitterman to pose as the head of the Florida Bars Fort Lauderdale office and he supplied her with a script, according to the indictment. In a phone conversation with some institutional investors, the indictment says, Kitterman talsely said Rothsteins purported legal clients nad tiled 26 complaints against him for deceiving them about the lump-sum advances and that his investors †caused part of the problem. ] In another phone conversation, Kitterman falsely told a representative of the investors that Rothstein faced disciplinary Bar action because f his failure to pay his legal clients the lump sums, according to the indictment. She also said the investors trust accounts at TD Bank were frozen, but that Rothsteins problems could be resolved if the purported plaintiffs were paid the funds they were owed. According to the indictment, Kitterman told the representative that their millions were still needed to pay off the Rothstein law firms non-existent clients †all to keep his Ponzi scheme going. Bates is accused of arranging to have an attorney in his Plantation law firm, Koppel Bates, meet with an investment groups representative to say the firm had referred umerous civil cases to Rothsteins law firm. Based on that falsehood, the indictment said, the investors continued to sink more than $140 million into Rothsteins scheme in 2009. Bates also agreed to write a phony opinion letter saying he represented a group that invested in Rothsteins †confidential legal settlements and vouched for them. Rothstein then used the letter to lure more investors, according to his indictment. Later that year, Bates switched roles. Rothstein wrote a letter in Bates name, on the Bates law firm stationery, in which Bates falsely claimed he represented a plaintiff in purported settlement deal in order to induce investors to put more money into Rothsteins scheme. And in September 2009, one month before Rothsteins scheme collapsed, Bates switched roles yet again, according to his indictment. On Wednesday, Mr. Rothstein appeared in the federal courthouse here, a few blocks from his now-shuttered law office, and pleaded guilty to running a $1. billion Ponzi scheme from 2005 to 2009. He is charged with five counts of federal racketeering, money laundering, and wire fraud, and faces up to life in prison. A month after he returned, he was arrested. Federal agents seized as much of his assets and property as they could locate. These included the cars, waterfront homes, an 87-foot yacht, 304 pieces of Jewelry, bank accounts, and equity stakes in a long list of companies, including local restaurants. Agents even seized Rothsteins American Express rewards points: 20,920,701 of them. Federal agents are estimated to have found assets valued at about $100 million. Thats a long way from $1. 2 billion. †The rest of the money is in the Ponzi scheme,] said William Scherer, a local lawyer who has filed a lawsuit to recover money for Rothsteins victims. †And he probably spent a large amount living large and all that. ] Prosecutors say Rothstein specialized in selling investors a stake in confidential settlement agreements. The settlements were said to involve sensitive pre-litigation negotiations in embarrassing sexual harassment cases or whistle-blower cases that the parties wanted to keep quiet. The investments could be purchased at a discount and would be repaid to investors at full value over time. But sometimes there were no settlement agreements and no real clients . Rothste n and others allegedly created false statement agreements, bank statements, ssignments of settlement agreements and personal guarantees. Rothstein then created a fraudulent court order purportedly signed by a federal judge, prosecutors say. The order said that Rothstein and his clients had won the lawsuit and were owed $23 million. But it added that the defendants had transferred their funds to the Cayman Islands, making recovery difficult. Rothstein then told his clients that to recover the funds they would need to post bonds to be held in a Rothstein-controlled trust account. The clients wired $57 million into the Rothstein account, according to court documents. When the clients became anxious about the money, Rothstein allegedly created a false order from a federal magistrate mandating a later date for the return of the clients money. Not all of Rothsteins illicit gains went into his pocket. He had a reputation as an effective political fundraiser. According to court documents, Rothstein paid large bonuses to employees at his law firm. Before receiving the bonuses, the employees were told to make significant contributions to political candidates in their own names. The maneuver was apparently designed to bypass campaign finance laws.
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