Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan - 1058 Words
In the article Mother Tongue, Amy Tan reveals the struggles of being the daughter of a Chinese American, and how language barriers proved to be a constant struggle. Throughout her article, she touches upon the disrespect her mother got because of her underdeveloped English, and how it affected her life as she grew up. Tan describes how she had to pose as her mother over the telephone to make sure her mother got the service she deserved. She empathizes with her mother and how her mothers intelligence was hidden behind her broken English. Throughout her article, she discloses her mothers secret intelligence and how her experiences made her a better writer and person. This explains how knowledge is power because it builds endlessly†¦show more content†¦And wrote pages upon pages showing the differences. He said in his most recent experiment, â€Å"that social intelligence is distinct from the kind of intelligence measured by conventional intelligence tests.†(Thorndike, 184). When you have a solid practical intelligence background, you have the knowledge to deal with your surroundings. This form of knowledge is extremely powerful because it can only be learned and acquired through experience. The idea of practical intelligence and family guidance is also supported by Amy Tan in her article, Mother Tongue. In the ending parts of her powerful article, she states, But I do think that the language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are more insular, plays a large role in shaping the language of the child. (Tan, 14). In this excerpt from Tans article, the strength of a language is shown and highlighted in a beautiful and subtle way. The deeper your culture is, the more experiences you gain, and the more you take from your parents. Legacy is the key ingredient to experience and success. Here are two completely different writers, both portraying their beliefs in a similar and familiar way. Each one coming back to the idea that ex perience is powerful, and the power behind experience comes from your familys legacy and how they choose to live their lives. All these examples circle back to knowledge, and power. Because, an experience is gained from the wisdom of your family, which is knowledge,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan913 Words  | 4 Pages Analysis of Mother Tongue by Amy Tan In the narrative essay, â€Å"Mother Tongue†by Amy Tan, the author sets out the story between her mother, whose English is her second language, and Tan herself can speak native English very well. The essay covers the tonal shift of Amy Tan s psychological change, from grudge to understanding. Although she begins the essay saying, I am not a scholar of English or literature. 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